Free Members Only event, booking required
AA Membership and the AA Film Club are please to invite AA Members to the first UK screening of Pradip Krishen and Arundhati Roy’s award winning cult classic In which Annie Gives It Those Ones.
‘Annie’ is what his friends call him. His real name is Anand Grover. At the National Institute of Architecture, New Delhi, Annie is repeating his fifth year for the fourth time. He spends his hours in the hostel which is the best part of his life, by ‘giving it those ones’ — indulging in daydreams of social uplift. Set in the 1970s, In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones is a funny film of architecture students in their final year of college. The film is part autobiographical with Roy recounting her own experiences of studying in the School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi.
We are thankful to Pradip Krishen and Ravi Kaimal for graciously lending a copy of the master DVD for the event. AA member Gaurav Sharma will introduce the film.
In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones (1989)
Direction: Pradip Krishen
Story & Screenplay: Arundhati Roy
Runtime: 112 minutes
Language: English
IMDB rating 9.1/10