Photos by Joanne McCluskey
Giovanni Piovene and Pier Paolo Tamburelli
AA Saturday Gallery Talks begin this term in conjunction with San Rocco: Book of Copies with Giovanni Piovene and Pier Paolo Tamburelli leading an informal tour through the exhibition. See the AA Exhibitions listing for more information.
Free event, all welcome. Complimentary fresh coffee and pastries available.
Giovanni Piovene is founder and editor of the architecture magazine San Rocco and co-founder of architectural office PIOVENEFABI. He has previously worked for Shrinking Cities Office in Berlin and co-founded the Salottobuono office in Venice (2007-2012).
He studied at both the Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy) and at the École Nationale Supérieure de Paris-Belleville (France), taught at the Università IUAV di Venezia and ISIA Urbino, and worked at the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio (CH). He has lectured at the Università IUAV di Venezia, Politecnico di Milano, Proqm Berlin and Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio.
Pier Paolo Tamburelli is co-founder and editor of the architecture magazine San Rocco and co-founder of BAUKUH and is currently unit professor at the Berlage Institute. Tamburelli has published: “So Much Damned Bad Work”. Notes on the Architectural Production of McKim, Mead & White (in Hunch, 12, Spring 2009) and has been guest editor of OASE 79 James Stirling 1964-1992. A Non-Dogmatic Accumulation of Formal Knowledge.
He took part in the exhibition “Mutations” (2000) and collaborated with “Domus” from 2004 to 2007.
Tamburelli studied at the University of Genoa and at the Berlage Institute Rotterdam. He has lectured at a number of schools and cultural institutions, including the Architectural Association, Cornell University, FAU São Paulo, FESTARCH, FFAR Stockholm, Höchparterre Bücherei Zurich, IUAV Venice, Kunsthal Rotterdam, MAXXI Rome, RWTH Aachen, Tongji University Shanghai, Triennale di Milano, TUM Munich, and the USI Mendrisio. Tamburelli has taught at the PUSA Aleppo (Syria), at the Milan Politecnico, at TUM Munich.
Image: SAN ROCCO Book of Copies at Museum of Copying at the 13th Venice Biennale © Giovanna Silva