
1964 50 Year Reunion

AA Membership has the pleasure of inviting you to attend the 50th Anniversary Reunion of the 1964 First Year at the Architectural Association School of Architecture.

The event will be held at the Architectural Association, 36 Bedford Square, London, on Wednesday 29th October 2014, commencing at 6.00pm. Drinks and canapés will be served and tickets cost £15.00.

To RSVP please use the online form on this web page, if you have any questions please contact the AA Membership Team by e-mailing events@aaschool.ac.uk or calling 020 7887 4076.

Some of those who have already indicated that they will attend will also be booking dinner at a nearby restaurant after the AA reception. If you wish to join them, please advise Neil Steedman directly at steedman.neil@gmail.com.

Image: The 1964 Chings Yard Extension by John Winter,  photo by Paul Green-Armitage

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